Emigration, moving abroad

You need to notify the municipality if you are planning to move abroad (emigration) for at least a minimum of 8 months out of the next 12 months. This period does not have to be consecutive. You then will be de-registered from your address. If you are moving abroad for a period shorter than 8 months, there is no need to notify the municipality.

Important It is not possible to receive an extract at the municipality with information about the departure the day after departing. This is only possible at one of the RNI desks. 

How does it work?

A move abroad can only be arranged online if all the inhabitants of the address move at the same time.

When there are several inhabitants registered on your address and not everybody is moving abroad, then everyone who is planning to emigrate needs to come to the municipality to notify this personally. Children under the age of 18 years in this case, have to come to the municipality as well.

Who can arrange a move abroad?

  • Everyone older than the age of 16 years.
  • Parents, guardians or caregivers for children under the age of 16 years.
  • Parents and their adult children can arrange this for each other only when they are registered on the same address and all move at the same time.
  • Spouses and registered partners can arrange this for each other under the condition that they are moving abroad together.
  • The curator can notify the municipality for people that are under guardianship.

You cannot authorize someone else to arrange the emigration for you.

What should I do?

Notify the municipality with a maximum of 5 days prior to your departure. Provide the municipality with the following information:

  1. The names and dates of birth of all the family members that are emigrating.
  2. Your old address. 
  3. Your new address. 
  4. The date of emigration.

What do I need?

  • Going to the municipality in person
  • Valid identification
  • By written notification
  • The form of the municipality
  • Your signature on the form
  • A copy of your valid identification

How long does it take?

The municipality will change your information immediately. So you will be de-registered on the day of arranging the emigration and not on the date of departure.

Arrange it online

The municipality Voorschoten works with DigiD. For more information on DigiD

DigiD stands for Digital Identity and is being used to arrange something with a (semi) governmental organization on the Internet. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN number) and is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) can apply for a DigiD.

If this is not the case for you, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Voorschoten.

The municipality Voorschoten works with eIDAS. For more information on eIDAS.

eIDAS (Electronic Identification Authentication and trust Services) is a method conducted by the European Union (EU) to make cross-border usage of the national digital identity method possible. Logging in, at the moment, can only be done with the national digital identity methods from the following member states of the EU: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg and Spain.

If you are not from one of these countries, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Voorschoten.

DigiDEmigrating, Moving abroad with DigiD

eIDASEmigrating, Moving abroad with eID (eIDAS)

Make an appointment

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